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94) A special message to Sungai Buloh voters by Ronnie Liu

Dear fellow voters in Sg Buloh,

KJ has claimed that he is a good minister and he has done a good job as the minister of health.

I beg to differ.

I would only touch on one duty and responsibility under KJ right from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

That's the purchasing of vaccines and implementation of vaccination.

KJ has no reason to prefer Pfizer's over other vaccines such as Sinovac.

For Pfizer's vaccines needed special high-grade freezers for safekeeping and storage.

And such freezers are extremely expensive and not easily available.

And KJ knows that the Sinovac and other vaccine are safe under room temperature.

We believe billions of ringgit were spent on such freezers and vaccines. And the cost of freezers could be higher than the vaccines. But KJ is not telling us the costs involved. He's also not telling us the cost of each vaccine he bought.

KJ owes us an explanation on the matter. He must tell us where he's keeping these special freezers and whether he has a good way to resell these freezers to cut losses.

Some 8,000 GPs all over the country from Raub to Long Pasia have offered to help in vaccination (through an official letter to the minister from their medical associations) but to no avail.

Only a handful of these doctors were allowed to participate eventually.

The whole process of vaccination could have been much faster and smoother if their services were accepted.

Many were infected with the virus and many even lost their lives while waiting for vaccination.

He even tried his level best to make things difficult when the Selangor state decided to purchase Sinovac vaccines for Selangorians.

I was forced to write to the Tuanku Sultan of Selangor to pressure KJ to speed up the vaccination process for Selangor.

I still remember how he finally agreed to buy Sinovac and vaccinated himself with it and did a video to show off his ability to speak Mandarin after the vaccination. It was simply hilarious and theatrical.

Dear voters in Sg Buloh,

I know you will vote wisely.

Thank you for your time.

Truly yours,

Ronnie Liu

Adun Sg Pelek


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