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95) The New Khairy Chronicles: Talam Dua Muka by nuclearmanbursa

The billion dollar MOSTI Mafia : Talam Dua Muka is a song from one of the biggest Malay rock band ever and perhaps the biggest Malay rock band in the 1990's, XPDC.

ONE of the biggest clue that something is seriously wrong with the MySejahtera deal and Khairy Jamaluddin has his fingers all over yet another questionable ethics deal, at minimum is the sudden appearance of the MIMOS chairman as a major shareholder of MySejahtera.

Talam dua muka

Ke kiri, ke kanan engkau sapu

Keringatku kau hirupkan

Sehingga aku kekeringan

Kau menikam dari belakang

Berpura kawan rupanya lawan

Mengaut untung tak kira sapa.

CAN Khairy Jamaluddin explain how did Shahril Shamsuddin known as the billion dollar man in Australia end up in MySejahtera, considering the guy was and still is, the chairman of MIMOS, a special purpose company under control of the MOSTI minister, who at that point of time happens to be Khairy Jamaluddin .

AMONG the billion dollar man's partner in the MySejahtera venture is one Megat Najmuddin, who happens to be the head of Bersatu's disciplinary council.

SO what you may ask, If the MIMOS chairman right under the supposedly UMNO MOSTI minister was moonlighting with the Bersatu man in charge of ethics and discipline to suddenly have private stakes in MySejahtera?

WELL apart from the question of ethics, and gross incompetence of Khairy Jamaluddin as MOSTI minister to allow the MIMOS chairman to moonlight into MySejahtera, here is the catch. MIMOS had been working on something similar to MySejahtera, which ment the government would not have to pay a single sen to anyone for MySejahtera. READ : One month after MySejahtera is launched, MOSTI Minister Khairy Jamaluddin admits that MIMOS has its own medical digital system.



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